17 November 2013

Being Persistent

Being persistent is important because everything takes time. Everyone makes goals for themselves but not everyone achieves them because it is always easier to give up. I have found myself in these situations many times before but through dedication I have not given up on my goals yet!

I have constantly tried to eat healthy and exercise more but sometimes I begin to feel as if I will never achieve this goal. There were days I would eat some chocolate and then have a little more and then get to a point where I couldn't stop. Birthdays would come around and I couldn't just not try some of the cake they have prepared and more and more I begin to fall down the achievement ladder. What I have recently realised, however, is that change is a gradual process and you need to keep taking everything step by step. It does not matter if you slip up from time to time, what is key is that you remember to continue. I am more persistent now and allow myself to have a days off and remind myself that the reason I want to be healthy is because it will make me a happier person!

I have also recently started a YouTube channel to expand my creativity but the feeling of my channel not going anywhere, made if difficult for me to continue. With the constantly growing YouTube community it has become very challenging to be able have your content seen by others. I felt like giving up because of this but this is where I reminded myself that no matter what, I need to keep going because making videos is something that makes me happy. If you ever feel doubt about a goal, try remember why you started in the first place. This is what persistence is all about. 

So I want to leave you with a few steps that I hope will help you in achieving your goals:
Step 1. Start with acknowledging the steps it will take for you to achieve a goal
Step 2. Put notes around your room that will motivate you to remember your goal
Step 3. Create a chart that will help calculate your progress
Step 4. Don't forget to chill out and not always be worrying about the need to achieve a goal! As long as you remember that you are moving forward, it's ok to take breaks
Step 5. Do not quit if it becomes difficult…go back to step 2 if needed :) 
Step 6. Believe in yourself!
Step 7. Once you achieve it, reward yourself! 

Remember to make every moment count, this is what life is here for!

Check out some of my more motivational videos:


10 November 2013

My Spontaneous Trip to Europe

I am writing this a little late… it has been three months since I've been back from the trip! But I am finally finished my uni exams and have time to write! :)

A few weeks before my 18th birthday in July I was deciding how to celebrate it. Organising a big party wasn't something I was considering, I am more of a 'little gathering' kind of person! :) And so my quest for a great birthday began.

During this time I was participating in a YouTube Bucket List created by Ella Grace. One of the last things on the list was to do something that we have always wanted to do. This is where the idea of heading to Europe came into my mind! I think this was one of the best ideas I have had so far in terms of experiencing what life has to offer and becoming more independent. This is where my journey began…

The 3rd of July 2013 I said good bye to my family and hopped on a plane to London. The flight was long and tiering and catching a cold on the day I left, didn't help much either! When I finally arrived I was greeted by my uncle who I haven't seen in 10 years and this was just the beginning of who I was about to be reunited with! During my trip I was able to visit my grandparents and the rest of my extended family! I have a lot of family in Europe as I was born there and only moved to Australia in 2002. Being 8 when I moved I didn't miss the rest of my family as much because I had my parents and my brother. It wasn't until I saw them all again on my trip that I now miss them more then ever and I hope I will be seeing them again soon!

Most of my trip I spent exploring London! My uncle bought me a map and circled every place that I needed to visit. Every day I would choose a point on the mad and head on over there. Walking around in a new city was definitely an experience I won't forget! I got lost many times but most of the fun came from not knowing where I was and needing to figure out where to go next!

I visited nearly every museum, shopped on the very famous Oxford street, stopped at very cute cafes around the city and took a million photos of all this!

One thing I was very disappointed about is that One Direction was not at Madame Tussauds when I went! ;)

During my trip I also travelled to Latvia, to the place I was born! There I revisited the old city of Riga. I have forgotten how mesmerising it was! It was definitely very surreal returning to the places where I grew up! While I was over there and my grand-parents house i was fed quite well! Could not fit into my shorts when I got back home!

This trip was an amazing experience for me and I have taken so much away from it. It is hard for me to express my joy that I received from this trip thought just words and photos so I strongly recommend taking independent trips yourself! I do not regret my holidays one bit! Do make sure you stay safe though! :)

I have put together some of my videos from the trip which you can have a look at:


18 October 2013

Feeling like Winter in Summer

Christmas in Australia is very different to the ones you see in American films. There is no snow, no fireplaces warming up the houses and no hot cocoa smell in the air. The Australians celebrate their last months of the year at the beach, cooking sausages on the BBQ. How very setreotypical of us! But it is true.

Although I do enjoy the sun, I also wish I could have a white Christmas like the ones in movies. This is exactly why enjoyed my Friday tonight! It was rainy and it was cold! This meaning I could snug up in my onesie and drink some hot chocolate.

Despite the recent stormy weather, I will be looking forward to enjoying my christmas by the pool, sipping lemonade! But until then I am going back under my blankets! 


30 August 2013


It seems that one negative destroys the hundreds of positives that were surrounding you a second earlier. You begin to fall into a state of annoyance where every little thing irritates you more. It seems that it is easier to stay furious rather than to see the brighter side. You have fallen into the trap. 

I tend to argue with my brother from time to time, like typical siblings do. Today we began an argument where both of us ended up storming off, not being able to stand each other any longer. When I went into my room, the feeling of resentment stayed with me. This terrible sense of anger was not allowing me to concentrate nor take any of the exam revision for the next day. Everything was getting worse to a point where I even got angry at other family members which made them upset too. Negative energy spreads quickly! This is when I realised that I had to stop and begin doing things that make me happy. So I began writing this blog, and what do you know, I am starting to feel better already!

Some days not everything will go your way, but this does not mean you should make it worse by keeping the negative aura around you. The longer you stay upset, the worse it will become and soon it will spread to others. This is where you have to stop yourself and take those deep breaths you have missed. Let go of the fury that lies beneath you and begin to smile. It might be the hardest step but it is worth it. Once you free your mind, quickly you will manifest the desired results of your previous tasks. Those around you will also begin to the feel the positivity and accept your apology if you ask. Happiness will always feel better! 

I leave you with this little tip...

23 August 2013

See Through Vee

"This life is a journey and you need to take every opportunity that comes along in order to enjoy it"

Hi, my name is Veronika and this is a little bit about why I am beginning my blog...

After finishing high school, I was unsure of what life was going to bring me next and not knowing  this, frightened me a lot. I pushed myself to let go of the fear and now I am here wanting to share my experiences with the world. I want to do more, learn more and through this, find happiness!
